Monday, July 8, 2013

Should Pit Bulls be Banned in NZ?

Do you think that pit bulls should be banned in NZ? Lately the government have thinking about banning pit bulls from our country New Zealand. I think that it should be banned because it is dangerous and it is harmful to little children and to adults. This is my argument on why pit bulls should be banned in NZ.

One reason why I think pit bulls should be banned is because it is very dangerous and harmful to little children and others. Pit bulls are very aggressive and whenever they see someone, they always go and run for them. They are very dangerous around little kids as well because they can do the same thing to them and our kids are very precious

My second argument on why pit bulls should be banned is because there are lots of stranded pitbulls around the streets. A lot of our doors in our houses are always open and they can run into your house and starting eating us. That is very dangerous. They can also harm innocent people that are walking down the streets.

This is my argument on if pit bulls should be banned in New Zealand. What do you think?

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